Are Shopping Malls Dead?

Are Shopping Malls Dead?

Are Shopping Malls Dead?

Online shopping and e-commerce continue to change the retail landscape.

US retail e-commerce sales will grow to more than 13%, reaching $908.73 billion in 2021. Insider Intelligence forecast

The internet has changed the way we do just about everything.

From dating, shopping and socializing, it's become a part of our daily life. As e-commerce continues to grow, more and more people are turning away from brick-and-mortar stores in favor of shopping online.


 Over the previous years, we've seen huge chains go bankrupt or save costs by scaling back their operations. Shopping malls are struggling because they've failed to keep up with the changing landscape of American people and their habits. Though many of us have fond memories of the local mall, which served as a hangout spot, a source of back-to-school apparel or the location of our first employment, e-commerce, and the internet subculture have put a lot of pressure on businesses, prompting many of them to close permanently.


A new Buying Experience

Additionally, the pandemic has pushed e-commerce and the usage of digital technologies as the new buying experience across all categories. This posed new hurdles for malls that were already struggling to stay afloat. While the country's most prominent malls are still doing well, with consistent foot traffic and occupancy, hundreds of others are seeing large vacancies, fewer customers, and unclear futures.

Today, most consumers prefer access to the goods and services they want along with the advantages of online shopping: 

* You don’t have to leave your home,
* You can opt for next-day delivery,
* You have access to more product information, and
* You may have a more personalized shopping experience.

As more shoppers take to online shopping or buy from niche high-end retailers, ENE Trends is among the popular premier internet retailers of today. We stand behind our commitment to delivering you high-quality, stylish, and trendy products!

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